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Bachelors Abroad the complete show
2013-03-11 21:36:11

ken 3 56063
08-11-2022 at 13:08
by Satoru
Just stumbled on to the idea of romance tours, do you think these are a good idea?
2017-11-12 22:46:01

imhero28 2 28161
12-06-2021 at 07:12
by JudeEngbretson
Who has been to Kiev to meet ladies
2010-01-31 04:41:06

hightrainman 11 192095
11-25-2021 at 03:11
by fowlermattie
Funny quotes and sayings funny
2011-01-08 03:41:37

Shiddique 3 87583
10-17-2020 at 04:10
by itsmonika
AFA guys do you honestly beleive ......
2010-03-08 23:11:34

FromRJlikesLatin 7 164117
09-22-2020 at 08:09
by oobie
Mark Davis
2011-05-04 20:56:55

BullDog 1 90295
06-29-2020 at 13:06
by codybiltmore
How to make a perfect Vietnam tour package?
2011-08-19 00:55:59

susan1304 2 56666
06-29-2020 at 12:06
by existentialthreat
Ukraine Love Tours- Anastasia or A Foreign Affair? Which is Better?
2007-05-28 22:11:49

whoknewbab 4 131209
06-29-2020 at 11:06
by ronharpersrealty
Anastasia Scam
2011-03-19 10:44:20

Wineguy 1 77978
06-28-2020 at 22:06
by existentialthreat

Solo trip need advice... plz???
2007-11-07 18:51:46

Ezhik 2 101482
06-28-2020 at 22:06
by codybiltmore

Dating tours 2012
2012-03-19 09:22:40

Tedel 9 146380
06-28-2020 at 22:06
by admin3
groups and alone
2012-10-17 10:07:23

RedSox4ever 3 72872
06-28-2020 at 22:06
by konaoutrigger
Meeting pretty girls in Ukraine.
2011-10-09 15:34:19

Harrydubois 4 87262
06-28-2020 at 21:06
by issacc1965
Try out a foreign affair
2011-03-23 16:03:23

Tills 7 176625
06-28-2020 at 20:06
by drmeadowsny
Is A Foreign Affair a Scam?
2013-05-03 10:08:16

Chris_23 1 45525
06-28-2020 at 17:06
by admin3
A Foreign Affair
2013-05-09 08:38:05

Chris_23 1 43106
06-28-2020 at 17:06
by admin3
A Foreign Affair tour Client Experience
2013-05-20 13:25:34

Chris_23 1 27504
06-28-2020 at 17:06
by admin3
Lugansk Ukraine with A Foreign Affair
2013-07-02 15:40:39

Chris_23 1 27481
06-28-2020 at 17:06
by admin3
A Foreign Affair in Odessa Ukraine
2013-07-31 15:54:32

Chris_23 1 27900
06-28-2020 at 16:06
by admin3
Romance Tour 101 - The Flight
2013-08-07 16:31:38

Chris_23 1 29290
06-28-2020 at 16:06
by admin3

Latin dating
2014-07-12 06:24:30

KevBarnes120 1 35969
06-28-2020 at 15:06
by admin3
Picking the right tour
2014-02-17 16:24:03

Henry1975 6 82423
06-27-2020 at 10:06
by codybiltmore
Love Me the Documentry
2014-04-23 17:45:49

admin 5 80485
04-20-2020 at 08:04
by issacc1965
Bachelors Abroad
2013-01-11 15:28:02

ken 2 49090

by guest

2011-08-26 07:33:15

chatforever 4 100446

by guest
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